Database citation

Database citation

Database citation

Diat.barcode logo © Mihail Zhelyazkov & INRAE

When using the database please give at least the most recent citation :

  • Rimet F., Gusev E., Kahlert M., Kelly M., Kulikovskiy M., Maltsev Y., Mann D., Pfannkuchen M., Trobajo R., Vasselon V., Zimmermann J., Bouchez A., 2019. Diat.barcode, an open-access curated barcode library for diatoms. Scientific Reports.
  • Rimet, Frederic; Chonova, Teofana; Gassiole, Gilles; Gusev, Evgenuy; Kahlert, Maria; Keck, François; Kelly, Martyn; Kulikovskiy, Maxim; Maltsev, Yevhen; Mann, David; Pfannkuchen, Martin; Trobajo, Rosa; Vasselon, Valentin; Wetzel, Carlos; Zimmermann, Jonas; Bouchez, Agnès, 2018, "Diat.barcode, an open-access barcode library for diatoms",, Portail Data INRAE, V9
  • Frederic Rimet; Philippe Chaumeil; Francois Keck; Lenaïg Kermarrec; Valentin Vasselon; Maria Kahlert; Alain Franc; Agnes Bouchez. 2016. R-Syst::diatom: an open-access and curated barcode database for diatoms and freshwater monitoring. Database, 2016, 1-21.
  • Rimet F., Chaumeil P., Keck F., Kermarrec L., Vasselon V., Kahlert M., Franc A., Bouchez A., 2015. R-Syst::diatom: a barcode database for diatoms and freshwater biomonitoring - data sources and curation procedure. INRA Report, 14 pages